Arm Stretches

Forearm Stretch - Do these after every round or practice session



Flexibility is a key component of disc speed, and the following stretches are absolutely essential to your efforts to increase your disc speed. 

Triceps Stretch

Your triceps are on the back of your upper arms. They play a key role in throwing sports. Your triceps can tighten after you play a round of disc golf and cause you to lose flexibility. Keep them loose, flexible, and injury-free with these two basic stretches.


Overhead                   Cross Body

  1. Sit on a chair or stand in a relaxed position with your back straight.

  2. Raise your left arm straight overhead, then bend it so your left hand is on the middle of your upper back. Your biceps and forearm should be touching.

  3. Reach over with your right hand and grasp your left elbow on the top, so your right palm faces down.

  4. Pull your left elbow gently toward your right side until you feel a stretch in your left triceps. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Cross Body
  1. Sit comfortably in a chair or stand with your back straight.

  2. Reach your left arm across your body, just under your chin at about shoulder level.

  3. Place your right hand on the outside of your left elbow and pull your left arm gently toward your right shoulder.

  4. Stop when you feel a stretch in your left triceps and hold it for 10 seconds. Relax and repeat the stretch with your right arm.


NEVER stretch before you warm-up. Light arm circles are a great way to warm up your shoulders and arms.

If your triceps and back are particularly tight, use a hand towel to assist with the overhead stretch. Grasp one end of the towel in your upper hand and let the towel dangle along your back. Reach behind you with your other hand and take hold of the lower end of the towel. Gently pull downward with your bottom hand to increase the stretch.


Keep the shoulders relaxed during both variations. Press the shoulders down during the overhead stretch and avoid moving the arm beyond its normal range of motion in the cross-body stretch.